Country: USA
State/District: Kentucky, Whitley Co.
Co-ordinates: 36°50'N, 84°21'W
Date of fall: 1919, April 09 (1200hrs)
Total known weight: 17kg (preserved in collections)
Number of pieces: many pieces (shower)
Type: Achondrite, aubrite, brecciated, contains unique type 3 chondritic clasts
Shock Stage:
Weathering Stage:
Mineral Analyses: olivine: Fa1-5 (chondritic clasts), plagioclase: An4-11 (chondritic clasts), orthopyroxene: En75-99 (chondritic clasts), clinopyroxene: En57 Wo42 (chondritic clasts)
Total iron: 5.6%
Pairings: not known
Synonyms: not known
Metbase description: Show/Hide
Several stones fell after the appearance of a fireball and detonations, the largest, which broke into fragments, estimated to weigh 31lb, A.M.Miller, Science, 1919, 49, p.541. Description, analysis, G.P.Merrill, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., 1920, 57, p.97. Contains a unique type of chondritic inclusion. Discussion, with an analysis of an inclusion, 19.5% total Fe, R.A.Binns, Meteorite Research, ed. P.M.Millman, D.Reidel, Dordrecht-Holland, 1969, p.696. These inclusions of forsterite chondrite material may be related to Kakangari, A.L.Graham et al., Min. Mag., 1977, 41, p.201, A.L.Graham et al., Cat. Met., 1985, p.115. Further inclusion analysis, 19.0% total Fe, E.Jarosewich, GCA, 1967, 31, p.1103. Analysis of enstatite, A.M.Reid and A.J.Cohen, GCA, 1967, 31, p.661. Al-26 data, K.Fuse and E.Anders, GCA, 1969, 33, p.653. Bi abundance, P.M.Santoliquido and W.D.Ehmann, GCA, 1972, 36, p.897. Partial INAA of enstatite, 5.6% total Fe, R.A.Schmitt et al., Meteoritics, 1972, 7, p.131. Oxygen isotopic composition, R.N.Clayton et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1976, 30, p.10. Fluorine content, R.O.Allen,Jr. and P.J.Clark, GCA, 1977, 41, p.581. Oxygen isotopic composition of bulk and chondrite clasts, R.N.Clayton and T.K.Mayeda, GCA, 1978, 42, p.325; see also, R.N.Clayton et al., J. Geophys. Res., 1984, 89 (suppl.), p.C245. Infrared photometry, albedo, JHK colors, M.Leake et al., Meteoritics, 1978, 13, p.101. Mobile trace element data, thermal metamorphism study, S.Biswas et al., GCA, 1980, 44, p.2097. Calculation of atmospheric ablation based on cosmic ray tracks and Ne isotopes, N.Bhandari et al., Nucl. Tracks, 1980, 4, p.213. Chondritic inclusion petrology, C.W.Neal and M.E.Lipschutz, GCA, 1981, 45, p.2091; see also, LPSC, 1981, 12, p.762 (abs.). Trace element contents of chondritic inclusions, R.M.Verkouteren and M.E.Lipschutz, GCA, 1983, 47, p.1625. Trace element data of bulk and inclusions, R.Wolf et al., GCA, 1983, 47, p.2257. Mineral analysis of chondritic clasts, comparison with E3/4 chondrites, M.Prinz et al., LPSC, 1984, 15, p.653 (abs.). Trace element data and classification of chondrite clasts, compositionally similar to LL group chondrites like Semarkona, G.W.Kallemeyn and J.T.Wasson, GCA, 1985, 49, p.261. Carbon content and isotopic composition of chondritic inclusion, P.Deines and F.E.Wickman, GCA, 1985, 49, p.89; M.M.Grady and C.T.Pillinger, GCA, 1986, 50, p.255. TL properties of chondritic inclusions, M.Haq et al., LPSC, 1987, 18, p.381 (abs.). Minor element analyses of forsterite grains, I.M.Steele, LPSC, 1988, 19, p.1119 (abs.). Minor element analyses and CL properties of enstatite, I.M.Steele, LPSC, 1988, 19, p.1121 (abs.). Consortium study of chondritic clasts, mineralogy, major and trace elements, TL data, M.E.Lipschutz et al., GCA, 1988, 52, p.1835. Bulk density and porosity, M.Terho et al., Studia Geophysica et Geodaedica, 1993, 37, p.65; see also, D.T.Britt and G.J.Consolmagno, MAPS, 2003, 38, p.1161. Elemental abundances, T.Shimaoka and M.Ebihara, Papers 18th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1993, p.47 (abs.). Sulfur isotopic composition, T.Jackson et al., LPSC, 1994, 25, p.611 (abs.). Sm and Gd isotopic composition, H.Hidaka et al., MAPS, 1997, 32, p.A59 (abs.). EPMA analysis of fusion crust, M.J.Genge and M.M.Grady, MAPS, 1999, 34, p.341. Noble gas and exposure age data, Y.N.Miura et al., Papers 24th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1999, p.108 (abs.). Oxygen isotopic composition, J.Newton et al., Papers 24th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 1999, p.136 (abs.); see also, MAPS, 2000, 35, p.689. Cosmogenic radionuclides, K.C.Welten et al., LPSC, 2002, 33, abs. #2043. Analysis of trapped noble gases Ar, Kr and Xe, H.Busemann and O.Eugster, MAPS,
2002, 37, p.1865. Density and porosity, S.L.Wilkinson et al., MAPS, 2003, 38, p.1533. Oxygen isotopes, Y.N.Miura et al., Papers 28th Symp. Ant. Met., NIPR Tokyo, 2004, p.50 (abs.). Ca-41 analysis, K.C.Welten et al., MAPS, 2004, 39, No. 8 (Suppl.), p.A113 (abs.).
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