Country: France
State/District: Orne
Co-ordinates: 48°46'N, 0°38'E
Date of fall: 1803, April 26 (1300hrs)
Total known weight: 37kg (approx.)
Number of pieces: many pieces (shower)
Type: Ordinary chondrite, brecciated
Shock Stage: d
Weathering Stage:
Mineral Analyses: Olivine Fa23.0, Pyroxene Fs20.5, plagioclase: An10.2 Ab83.2 Or 5.6, orthopyroxene: En78.0 Fs20.5 Wo1.4, clinopyroxene: En45.5 Fs6.8 Wo45.5
Total iron: 22.79%
Pairings: not known
Synonyms: Aigla, Aigle, Ober-Pfalz, Waldau
Metbase description: Show/Hide
After the appearance of a fireball, followed by detonations, a shower of stones, estimated at 2000-3000 in number and of aggregate weight of about 37kg, the largest weighing about 9kg, fell within an area of 6 x 2.5 miles. The detailed report of the phenomena first established beyond doubt the fact of the fall of stones from outer space, J.B.Biot, Mém. Inst. France, 1806, 7, (Histoire), p.224; J.B.Biot, Ann. Phys., 1804, 16, p.44. Description, H.Pfahler, Tschermaks Min. Petr. Mitt., 1892, 13, p.362. Analysis, E.H.von Baumhauer, Arch. Néerland. Sci. Nat. Haarlem, 1872, 7, p.154, M.H.Hey, Cat. Met., 1966, p.258. Modal analysis, G.Dörfler and H.G.Hiesböck, Meteorite Research, ed. P.M.Millman, D.Reidel, Dordrecht-Holland, 1969, p.669. Ni and Ir contents, O.Müller et al., GCA, 1971, 35, p.1121. Al-26 data, I.R.Cameron and Z.Top, GCA, 1975, 39, p.1705. Shock classification, R.T.Dodd and E.Jarosewich, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 1979, 44, p.335. Cosmic ray tracks, N.Bhandari et al., Nucl. Tracks, 1980, 4, p.213. Major and trace element data, C.W.Neal et al., GCA, 1981, 45, p.891. Analysis, olivine Fa23, 22.79% total Fe, R.T.Dodd and E.Jarosewich, Meteoritics, 1981, 16, p.93. Boron data, M.Zhai and D.M.Shaw, Meteoritics, 1994, 29, p.607. Bulk density and porosity, M.Terho et al., Studia Geophysica et Geodaedica, 1993, 37, p.65; see also, D.T.Britt and G.J.Consolmagno, MAPS, 2003, 38, p.1161; S.L.Wilkison and M.S.Robinson, MAPS, 2000, 35, p.1203. Cosmic-ray exposure ages, B.Lavielle and E.Gilabert, MAPS, 2002, 37, (Suppl.), p.A85 (abs.). Historical notes regarding Biot's report of this fall, M.Gounelle, MAPS, 2003, 38, No. 7 (Suppl.), p.A130 (abs.). Magnetic susceptibility, P.Rochette et al., MAPS, 2003, 38, p.251.
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